Saturday, November 5, 2016

Grade 3 English Reinforcement Worksheet

The City School
Grade 3 English Reinforcement Worksheets
Topic: Composing a Story, Comprehension, Verbs(past and present), Adverbs

Q1: Compose a story with the help of given picture. Your story should have 80 to 100 words and at least 3 paragraphs.

Q2: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follows.
a.     What is friendship?
b.     What if you find your friend in trouble? Would you help him or her out?
c.      How did Karen proven her friendship with Tara? Would you do the same?
d.     Pick out two adverbs from the passage. ______________, __________________
e.     Change the given word in to adverbs:
i.                    Hard: _____________
ii.                  Friend: ____________
f.       Underline the verb in given sentences and mark them if they are of past or present.
i.                    Tara was in the hospital. (Past/ Present)
ii.                  There are many ways to show friendship. (Past/ Present)

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