Sunday, November 22, 2015

English Reinforcement Worksheet for Class– 3

The City School
Junior B, PECHS

English Reinforcement Worksheet for Class– 3
Name: _______________________________________ Sec: ________ Date: ___________

Directions: Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run
quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them.
There are many seagulls on the beach.
Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl
quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are
many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.
Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move
slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There
are few starfish on the beach.
1) Seagulls, crabs, and starfish all eat
A. clams                      B. bread                      C. fish
2) Which animal does not move quickly?
A. starfish                   B. seagulls                   C. crabs

3) Based on information in the passage, which sentence is false?
A. Starfish are hard to catch.
B. Crabs eat shrimp and ocean plants.
C. Seagulls move quickly on the sand and in the air.
4) Describe characteristics of Crab in two sentences.

5) Write down 4 verbs from the passage.
_________________, ____________________, _________________, _____________________
6) Find out two proper and two common nouns from the passage and state below.
Common nouns: __________________, ________________
Proper nouns: __________________, ________________
7) Make sentences of the words (a sentence must be of at least 8 words).
a. catch : _____________________________________________________________________________
b. quickly : ___________________________________________________________________________
8) Change the following sentences into past tense:
a. Seagulls live on the beach.
b. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand.

9) Give plurals of the following:





10) Punctuate the following:
they eat shrimp ocean plants and small fish
there are many crabs on the beach but it is not always easy to see them


Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for Class– 4

NEW  LOGOThe City School
Junior B, PECHS

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for Class– 4

Name: ______________________________________ Sec: ________ Date: ___________

Question:- Solve the following word problems:

Q.1 Last week Charlie read 105 pages on Monday, 298 pages on Wednesday and 100 pages on Saturday. How many pages did Charlie read last week?
Final Statement:-  Charlie read _________________ pages last week.

Q.2 There were 347 fishes in the saltwater aquarium and 244 fishes in the fresh water aquarium. How many fishes were there altogether?
Final Statement:-  The total number of fishes were____________________ .

Q.3 Grandma is having her 65th birthday today. We will put 34 pink candles around the cake and 10 yellow candles in the center. How many more candles do we need to put in the cake?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:-  _________________ more candles are needed.

Q.4 Oliver got his math test back today. He got 115 questions right and 25 questions wrong. How many questions were there on the test?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:-  There were ____________________ questions in the test.

Q.5 Mike found 74 sea shells on the beach. He gave Sandy some of his seashells. He has 41 seashells left. How many seashells did he give to Sandy?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:- Mike gave ________________ sea shells to Sandy.

Q.6 There were 255 people waiting in a line. 168 more people joined the line. How many people were in line then?
Ans: There were _______________________ people waiting in a line.

Q.7) 32 students were going to the zoo. 20 students took the bus to reach there. 4 students rode in a car. How many students are left?
Ans: __________________students are left.

Q.8) Out of 257 guest in a party, 126 had coffee, 3 had juices, and the rest had cold drinks. How many guests had cold drinks?
Ans: _________________________guests had cold drinks.

Q.9 A banana tree has 316 bananas. 115 bananas were eaten by a monkey. How many bananas are left on the tree?

Ans: There are ________________________ bananas left on the tree.

Multiplication and Division Word Problems for Class– 4

NEW  LOGOThe City School
Junior B, PECHS

Multiplication and Division Word Problems for Class– 4

Name: _____________________________________________ Sec: ________ Date: ___________

Read each problem and write your answer on the given line.

Q.1 Each present that Kelly’s mother bought cost Rs.500. If Kelly’s mother bought 6 presents, how much money did she spend on the gifts?
Ans:- Kelly’s mother spent Rs. ___________________________

Q.2 Sara owns 17 pairs of socks? How many socks does she have in all?
Ans: Sara has _______________________ socks.

Q.3 An octopus has 8 legs. There were 150 octopus in the tank. How many legs are there in the tank?
Ans: There are ____________________ legs of octopus in a tank.

Q.4 If there are 60 minutes in one hour, how many minutes are there in a 24 hour day?
Ans: There are _____________________ minutes in a day.

Q.5 An adult human has 32 teeth. If there are 111 adults in a room, how many teeth is that in all.
Ans. There are ______________________teeth.

Q.6 I have 66 cookies and can fit 6 cookies into one box. How many boxes will I need?
Ans: I will need ___________________ boxes.

Q.7 Nina has 60 stickers that she wants to share equally to each of her 5 friends. How many stickers will each friend get?
Ans: Each friend will get _____________stickers

Q.8 A restaurant sold 56 pizzas last week. How many pizzas were sold each day?
Ans: _______________________pizzas were sold each day.

Q.9)9 kids are sharing 108 chocolates. How many chocolates each kid will get?
Ans: Each kid will get ______________________ chocolates.

Q.10)  Sara has 96 brownies. Find out how many dozen brownies does she have.
Ans: Sara has ________________________dozen brownies.

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for Class– 4

NEW  LOGOThe City School
Junior B, PECHS

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for Class– 4

Name: _______________________________________ Sec: ________ Date: ___________

Question:- Solve the following word problems:

Q.1 Last week Charlie read 105 pages on Monday, 298 pages on Wednesday and 100 pages on Saturday. How many pages did Charlie read last week?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:-  Charlie read _________________ pages last week.

Q.2 There were 347 fishes in the saltwater aquarium and 244 fishes in the fresh water aquarium. How many fishes were there altogether?
Final Statement:-  The total number of fishes were____________________ .

Q.3 Grandma is having her 65th birthday today. We will put 34 pink candles around the cake and 10 yellow candles in the center. How many more candles do we need to put in the cake?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:-  _________________ more candles are needed.

Q.4 Oliver got his math test back today. He got 115 questions right and 25 questions wrong. How many questions were there on the test?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:-  There were ____________________ questions in the test.

Q.5 Mike found 74 sea shells on the beach. He gave Sandy some of his seashells. He has 41 seashells left. How many seashells did he give to Sandy?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Final Statement:- Mike gave ________________ sea shells to Sandy.

Q.6 There were 255 people waiting in a line. 168 more people joined the line. How many people were in line then?
Ans: There were _______________________ people waiting in a line.

Q.7) 32 students were going to the zoo. 20 students took the bus to reach there. 4 students rode in a car. How many students are left?
Ans: __________________students are left.

Q.8) Out of 257 guest in a party, 126 had coffee, 3 had juices, and the rest had cold drinks. How many guests had cold drinks?
Ans: _________________________guests had cold drinks.

Q.9 A banana tree has 316 bananas. 115 bananas were eaten by a monkey. How many bananas are left on the tree?
Ans: There are ________________________ bananas left on the tree.

Reinforcement Worksheet (English) Class - 4

NEW  LOGOThe City School
Junior B, PECHS

English Reinforcement Worksheet for Class– 4
Name: _____________________________________________ Sec: ________ Date: ___________

Q1.  Put the speech marks in the following sentences:-
a. Lily said, Let’s go to the park after school.
b. Do you want ice cream? asked Peter.
c. I love my new kitten! said Tina. He is so playful.
d. I have a lot of homework today, said Samantha.
e. I stayed up late, said Charles, to finish reading my book.
f. Oh no! The cake is burning! Yelled Jill’s mom
g. Is the school open tomorrow? asked Ellie
h. Matt said, the roller coaster was a lot of fun.
i. Ann asked, what’s your brother’s name?
j. You should wear a hat. It’s cold today, said Andrew’s dad.
Rounded Rectangle:    Yourselves        ourselves      themselves       itself        herself   Q2.  Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns:-

                 Yourselves        ourselves      themselves       itself        herself   

a.       We must learn to protect _____________.
b.      The old woman lived all by _____________.
c.       “Children, behave ____________,”commanded the scout leader
d.      The baby bird is too young to look for food _____________.
e.      How does the chameleon protect _____________ from it’s enemies?
Q3. Pick out the adverbs from the following sentences:-
a.       That is well said.                                                              __________________
b.      Oliver runs quickly.                                                        __________________
c.       The English teacher spoke loudly.                           __________________
d.      Tracy painted quickly.                                                   __________________
e.      The waves rolled slowly.                                              __________________
f.        Other people sat lazily.                               __________________
g.       The paint dried evenly.                                                __________________
h.      The hot sun shone brightly.                                        __________________
i.        Pablo laughed softly.                                                     __________________

j.        The art class drew happily.                                          __________________

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The City School
Junior B, PECHS
Date Day Subject TOPICS
11-Nov-15 Wednesday English Novel: The Prince and the Pauper Chap # 7,8 (Read the Chapters thoroughly from the book and all work done in copies) / Composition: Letter Writing /  Comprehension: Unseen passage / Grammar: Pronouns 
12-Nov-15 Thursday S. Studies Urdu-11.jpg
Unit: Weather and Climate, - Meaning of weather and climate and difference between both - Key elements which affect climate - Units and instruments to measure elements of weather and climate - Natural Disasters
13-Nov-15 Friday Islamiat Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) (Page 17-20) - Birth and childhood, First Revelation, Preaching of Islam, Opposition by the Quraish, Migration to Abyssinia from the above topics. (Fill in the blanks, True / False and Q/A)
16-Nov-15 Monday Maths Chapter Fractions: - Equivalent fractions - ordering and comparing fractions - Like and unlike fractions - Fractions of amount - Fraction and division - Mixed numbers on a number line - Percentage / Chapter: Time: Read time on 12 hr digital clock
17-Nov-15 Tuesday Urdu مذکر مونث، مثبت اور منفی جملے، اسم نکرہ اسم معرفہ، اسم ضمیر اور آپ بیتی  
18-Nov-15 Wednesday Science Dissolving - Measuring Forces - Investigating Friction - Friction - Surfaces and Friction (Pg 52-58)