Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Social Studies Grade 4

The City SchoolDescription: 123
Social Studies Reinforcement Worksheet for Class-4
Name : ________________________________ Class/Sec___________________Date:_______________
Q1: Define the term trade.
Q2: Name the types of trade and explain them also.
Q3: Define the following terms.
Favourable Trade: _______________________________________________________________________
Unfavourable Trade:
Q4: What do you mean by term Transport? How many ways of transport are there?
Q5: How trade affects the economy of our country?


Mathematics Grade 4 Numberline worksheet

Science Grade 4 Worksheets

Ahadith for Class 3


1.     When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked by Amr ibn Abasah, what was meant by faith, he replied, “Self-restraint and gentleness”, (Hadith of Al-Muslim)

2.     Any man who misses a fast without a reason, such as illness, can never atone for it, even if he fasts for the rest of his life. (Hadith of Al-Tirmidhi)

The City School
Junior B, PECHS

Science Worksheet for Class-4 (The Human Skeleton)

Name: _________________________ Sec: _______ Date: _______

 The City School
Junior B, PECHS

Science Worksheet for Class-4 (Building a Skeleton)

Name: _________________________ Sec: _______ Date: _______