Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Science Worksheet For Revision (Class Test # 3)

The City School
 Jr. B, PECHS 

Revision Worksheet for Science (Grade 3) 

Islamiat Revision Worksheet for Class Test

The City School
Islamiat Revision Worksheet # 3

Islamiyat Reinforcement Worksheets for Class Test# 3 First Term
Q.1 Write:-

1) The name of the person who placed the Black Stone on its place when Ka’abah was rebuilt._________

2) The name of Hazrat Khadija’s (RA) slave.________________

3) The new name of Mountain of Hira.__________________

4) The name of the angel who brought the first revelation to Our Holy Prophet (SAW)._______________

5) The name given to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) by Allah.________________

6) The name of the first Surah that was revealed to Our Holy Prophet (SAW)._______________

7) The name of Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) father.___________________

8) The name of Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) first wife. __________________

9) The name of Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) second wife.__________________

10) The name of Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) son.________________

Q.2 Fill in the blanks:-

1) The object of Half-al-Fazul league was to bring about _______________ and to protect the weak, the _____________ and the ______________.

2) At the time of their marriage Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was 
____________ years old and Hazrat Khadija (RA) was ___________ years old.

3) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) wondered why people ________________ such _______________ statues.

4) When Hazrat __________________ was thirty-five years old, the __________________ decided to rebuild Ka’abah.

5) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) retired to Cve of Hira to meditate with a supply of __________________, ________________ and __________________.

6) When Ka’abah was rebuilt, the Black Stone was placed in its place by Hazrat ____________________.

7) Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) came from the family of Hazrat ____________________.

8) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) left his wife and son in a barren place which was ______________________.

9) The fire did not harm Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) because ________________ protected him and he came out of the fire.

10) When Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was about to sacrifice Hazrat ________________, Allah stopped him and instead a 
__________________ was sacrificed.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Social Studies Revision WOrksheet

The City School 
Revision Worksheet


Answer the following questions.
1.     Define Weather?

2.     What is Climate?

3.     What does Climate of any Region determine?

4.     Write down any three important Characteristics of Polar Regions.

5.     Write down any three important Characteristics of Hot Deserts.

Q. Fill in the blanks.
1.     Climate is the average ___________condition over a period of 15-20 years in an area.

2.     The amount of rain, snow or hail that falls to the ground is called ____________________.

3.     The hottest place in Pakistan is __________________.

4.     Skardu is the coldest place where the temperature reaches_________.

5.     Rain storms and strong winds can cause __________and destroy crops.

6.     Heat strokes happen when the temperature raises _________.

7.     In cold, we wear plenty of ________clothes.

8.     We should avoid going out in the Sun during _______weather.

9.     Polar Regions have below _______________temperatures all the year round.

10.Plants are very few and ______in color in Polar Regions.

11.Hot deserts receive very ________rainfall.

12.At night the deserts becomes________.

13.Camel is a __________animal.

14.Cactus has ________stem to store water.

15.Hot deserts usually do not have a __________cover.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Urdu Class 3 Worksheet

3rd Class Test English Revision Worksheet

The City School 
Grade 3 English 

Class Test # 3 

·        Informal Letter:
1.     Write an informal letter to your friend and tell him/ her about your favourite subject in the school and the teacher also.
2.     Write a friendly letter to your grandfather and tell him you want to visit him during your vacations and also mention how much you miss him.
3.     Write a friendly letter to your uncle and thank him to send you a surprise birthday present.
Note: All these letters should begin with the salutation.
·        Unseen Comprehension can be searched from the internet up to grade 3 level and should not be more than 240 words passage.

·        Verbs: List if provided at the back of C.W. Notebook. Kindly refer to it.

·        Adverbs: Give suitable adverbs for the given verbs:







·        Exclamation Mark: Give dialogues for the given pictures and use exclamation marks appropriately.