Saturday, March 4, 2017

Grade 4 Mathematics Reinforcement

The City School
Grade 4 Mathematics Reinforcement Worksheet
 2nd Class Test

Decimal Word Problems Reinforcement Worksheet for Class 4

Question: Solve the following word problems

1)Following are the items along with their prices that Mommy has bought while shopping today. Make a bill for the total cost.
Teddy Bear = Rs. 5.56                   Story Books = Rs. Rs. 9.98
Pencil = Rs. 4.1                                Balloons= Rs 2.23 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2)Sarah has planted a Rose plant. It was 4.7cm last week, but it is 5.1 cm this week. How much has plant grown this week?

3)Rida scored 23.50 in her Math first test and Ahmed got 22.75 in the same test. How many more marks has Rida scored than Ahmed?

4)In a cricket match, there are 6 balls in an over. If in a T-20 match, 16.3 over have passed, how many balls are left for the match to get finished?

5)One packet of sweet weighs 0.8 kg. What will be the weight of 3 packets?

Q2: Complete the given table:

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