Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Grade 4 Mathematics (1st Class test)

123The City School
Junior – B, PECHS

Chapter: “More about numbers” (Reinforcement Worksheet for Class 4)

Q1) Draw a Venn diagram showing the relationship between  multiples of 2 and multiples of 3 in the provided space. Sort out the following numbers in the Venn diagram, then fill in the given blanks.
24               50               60               18               15               30               3       1                 45               33               90               20               12

There are  ___________ common multiples of 2 and 3.
There are __________ numbers which are neither multiples of 2, nor 3
There are _________ even multiples of 3.
Question 2  : Look at the given numbers and answer the following questions accordingly           
12             1355               88            9237                7410        155 
I)     Write the smallest number ______________________
II)    Write the biggest number _______________________
III)   Arrange all the given numbers in Ascending Order:
IV)  From the numbers listed above, which two numbers add up to make 100?
____________ + _____________ =100
V)   Sort out a common multiple of 5 and 10 from the given numbers: ______________________

VI)   Circle all the numbers which are multiples of 5 

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